For this year’s Summer of Code, Google awarded apertus° three student slots. This is significant as new mentoring organizations are warned that they’re likely to receive a maximum of 1-2 slots in their first year. We set out to choose the best of the best from almost thirty project proposals - a difficult decision as all were of a very high standard. The chosen students have already started reading up on the required documentation and have been familiarising themselves with development tools as well as getting to know our team, community and our communication platforms as well as our
github code repositories
The Projects
Linux Kernel driver for Lattice MachXO2 programming/debugging
Currently, both MachXO2 FPGAs on the AXIOM Beta mainboard are 'programmed' with a python script which takes some time and doesn't allow for easy updates and development for those relatively important FPGAs. The Linux kernel driver to be developed in this task will not just speed up things, but also allow to test and even debug new code easily.
Vlad Niculescu
Smart Switching Regulator
The next generation Power Board for the AXIOM Beta will feature Smart Switching Regulators to increase the power efficiency and flexibility in voltage regulation. The idea is to use a custom switching regulator based on an energy efficient FPGA/CPL and a power stage.
Anudit Verma
AXIOM beta REST Interface
The AXIOM Beta REST interface is meant to be capable of setting and getting all camera control parameters. This interface will be the foundation for future higher level GUIs/Apps that utilize the API.
The official coding phase started on May 30th and will run the entire summer until the end of August. All students will release their code as open source, of course.Although all this year’s GSoC placements are filled, if you would still like to assist with
one of the unassigned tasks, then please feel free to get in contact!
Further Links
Want to participate?
Want to provide feedback or suggest improvements? Want to try your own approach and need help?
Get in touch via IRC or email.
Hi Sebastian, can I get a
Hi Sebastian, can I get a full refund processed for the payments made to Indiegogo and Transferwise? Thanks!
Please contact us here:
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