Submitted by Sebastian on Fri, 05/23/2014 - 15:40
The time has come! As described in our recent news post, the AXIOM Beta crowdfunding campaign is about to happen! During the next weeks, we are going to be extremely busy shooting videos to properly present the AXIOM Beta, creating sample footage with the AXIOM Alpha and explaining in depth exactly what we are planning to do. We also need your help in preparing the campaign. If you want to help us write/review text, create illustrations and graphics or create/review animations and video edits, then please contact us. Even if you can’t do any of this, there is something else that we need your help with:
The AXIOM will be shaped by what its users want - like no other camera before it. This is a community effort: by filmmakers for filmmakers, so it’s important that you voice your opinion early on. This is why we’re inviting you to be part of the crowdfunding campaign, not only as a backer but also as a means to give YOUR AXIOM a “voice”. Send us (via a youtube link or link to a hosted file) a video of you explaining very briefly (in under 30 seconds) what AXIOM will be for you. What do you plan to do with it? What do you dream of your AXIOM becoming? Please also add a brief explanation as to where you come from and what you do. We will present these statements in the course of the crowdfunding campaign. But please be quick! There is not a lot of time left until the campaign starts and we need a reasonable period to edit the community’s statements together.
The axiom needs to be
The axiom needs to be configurable to anything the user wants, which allows enough manufacturing volume to drive down the price. Apart from basic configuration (twin thunderbolt 3 ports on the head, control interface for lens and mount and physical user controls (buttons ticket switches etc) and compression), an storage, Ethernet and WiFi allows for more uses. Somebody could buy the head cheap to use in a $2000 camera rig/body. The head could be used in machine vision or security camera (Ethernet interface). or even a compact camera could simply drop in the head and route interfaces to anywhere on the case with cables). So SLR's and camcorders etc will also be possible. The Chinese and Indian governments and only their trade associations (with absolutely no ownership or control to stop interference) should normally be eager to support this to get out from under the thumb of foreign imperialists and become world leaders in their own home brands.
So low cost is key, this means the main board could be usable as a daughter board in consumer cameras, the main board merely routing the interfaces and maybe adding extra functionality. Either commodifying the hardware used (Arm +coprocessors it better) or going from FPGA to asic, (I have a great company for that on my books, with the best proposal waiting funding. You can pm me.). This allows for the the asic to be commodified, and sales of such pay for the design to be maintained on not for profit open source, where it and workers are paid for.
You need somebody with great vision to see what needs to be done and act like a consultant to cross feed ideas into the committee. A lot of great ideas have come from external people inputting into the process
it would be cool to be able
it would be cool to be able to create a live key and turn it into a alpha channel .
we would like to shoot in 4k / 6k and we would be using it for studio shooting .
our product
looking forward to this
Compressed RAW. That is the
Compressed RAW. That is the key to delivering a camera system in this day and age. Even if that is through a module, or 3rd party recorder. This 4K proress or uncompressed on the black magic is just a pain. I love the compression on my Epic and would need a similar recording method to be able to shoot with.
Also, xlr or even mini xlr inputs on the brain is a must. Or a very small module.
This little things would be
This little things would be awesome:
- Wifi
- Autofocus
- Stabilizer
It's going to make the camera simple, and with its 4K function and Raw footage and full frame and other amazing stuff, this camera should be the best camera ever made.
I agree with Thomas Koch:
I agree with Thomas Koch: Compressed Raw!
- Internal lens filter system that will allow us to install filters between the lens and the sensor
- reversible modules (e.g. a module with xlr inputs on the left can be flipped so that both left and right handed operators won't have cables in their face)
- A caddy or an adapter for SSDs (assuming it records to them) that can act as sort of a port saver to protect the fragile hard drive pins from constant insertion-removals.
- RAID configuration for faster writing (e.g. high frame rate shooting) and/or redundant storage media.
- locking ports for consumer type cables (HDMI, usb)
As long as it has a global
As long as it has a global shutter and stays affordable, around $3000, I'll buy it. The Digital Bolex is great but its lens mount system is a pain; I don't mind the double CF storage. Blackmagic 4k has that horrible glossy touch screen. Please give us a decent stripped down Arri Alexa with real buttons to push instead, even if that means staying 2k. All our final delivery is usually HD in any case, and we scale it down somewhere in post. Although one can always rent some Cinema lenses, having an EF mount, despite the possible vignetting, would give everyone the cost-effective flexibility so many of us are currently looking for.
I would be using it in the
I would be using it in the field for natural history shooting so small is good.
LanC would be great.
4K SSD recorder module to fit with the size profile of the camera
My axion should have the
My axion should have the possibility to :
* be triggered by an external TTL
* allow the ROI selection without restrictions (rows and col reductions both improve FPS)
* allow the binning
* have color version et B&W version of each sensor implemented
* trig light using TTL
* be controlled using blue-tooth protocol (in order to use it from PC or smart phones)
* have a several 2"1/2 rack for SSD Raid raw data recording
Good autofocus, exceptionally
Good autofocus, exceptionally high dynamic range, and mind-boggling low-light performance (something like the Sony A7s, where low-light is concerned). Also ability to zoom digitally on LCD for fine-tuning manual focusing, even during filming, without it interfering with the filming. Modular & customizable is a great idea. Hopefully this would allow various component systems to be upgraded & improved, or altered for different shooting situations (acquire a kit of varied modules for different shooting situations).
-The "battery-mount" should
-The "battery-mount" should be interchangeble for other types of battery.
-Different Format's, Bitrate, Colorspace(4:4:4, 4:2:2,...).
-USB 3.0 for copying the files to the PC without to take out the "Saving-Hardware".
-2x XLR in,
-Automatic whitebalance
-Underwater Body
Compressed raw.
Compressed raw.
In-camera color grading.
Good perfomance in low light (high iso or a nice de-noice algorithm).
More than 2 preset white balance.
2 CF/SSD slot for continuous recording.
Touch screen compatible (for focus and exposure).
Use laptop/tablet to control and record.
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