Submitted by Sebastian on Sun, 09/02/2018 - 14:12
Use clean <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, etc. tags, no <b> or <strong> tags are allowed.
Element | Code |
Header 1 | <h1>Header 1</h1> |
Header 2 | <h2>Header 2</h2> |
Header 3 | <h3>Header 3</h3> |
Header 4 | <h4>Header 4</h4> |
Usage: <p>Paragraph Content</p>
Example of two paragraphs:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam venenatis, mauris non gravida hendrerit, ligula nisi fermentum velit, ac ullamcorper lorem nibh vel enim. Curabitur aliquet nisi in pellentesque volutpat. Sed arcu erat, tincidunt id augue sit amet, lobortis efficitur erat. Cras rhoncus pretium ultricies. Aliquam eu congue massa. Integer sed sodales felis, ut pretium sem. Nunc mauris dui, tincidunt et leo id, bibendum finibus eros. Nullam fringilla mi non hendrerit feugiat. Integer pulvinar nunc sit amet lectus gravida, a consequat elit dignissim. Etiam vitae sapien blandit, sollicitudin sapien eget, mollis nunc. Nunc at vestibulum orci.
Fusce aliquet lacus ante, at pellentesque dui venenatis eu. In vitae purus dolor. Integer vitae justo quis dolor pellentesque accumsan. Integer ut purus faucibus, euismod sapien vel, condimentum arcu. Proin at tellus ut tortor vehicula ultricies et ac lorem. In rhoncus, turpis at molestie aliquet, eros lorem pretium sapien, sed luctus diam metus quis arcu. Fusce molestie, ipsum aliquam consectetur porttitor, est dolor congue diam, ut lobortis velit dui at felis. Duis ornare mi et ex luctus, varius suscipit nibh laoreet. Donec vestibulum turpis enim, eget pretium odio semper eu. Praesent vehicula, quam eu tincidunt tempor, nunc justo maximus ipsum, molestie blandit metus est eu lacus.
This is some source code.
in PHP for example
$variable = 5;
<code>This is some code.</code>
<br />
There are 3 types of images that can be presented on any page:
Use images with wide aspect ratio only (16:9 or wider)
Always fill title and alt fields in <img> tags.
<div class="caption">This is an image caption.</div>
All images that are available in higher resolution should use the lightbox/colorbox plugin.
<a class="colorbox colorbox-insert-image" rel="groupname"
href="/sites/default/files/image.jpg"><img class="thumbnail" width="150px"
Images in the same rel groupname appear in the same lightbox with left/right arrows.
Width for the img tag needs to be chosen separately.
The main content area is 870 pixels wide so if you want to show a row of 3 images use 280 pixels for each in width, together with margin, border and padding it will perfectly fill the full content width.
The normal drupal upload only allows uploading a single image at once. To upload multiple images at once click the "Open File Browser" Link and then "Upload" at the top left.
<div class="alert alert-info">Please note that this is a notice block.</div >
<div class="alert alert-block">Please be warned that this is a warning block.</div >
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