Late last night we crossed the € 100.000 line which marks the incredibly important moment of reaching the crowd funding goal. As it is an all-or-nothing campaign (fixed funding) we would have received nothing at all if we reached just € 99,999 and all backers would have their contributions refunded. But now we have the required funds to develop and build the AXIOM Beta. Thanks so much to everyone who contributed and became a part of this! Today we've already reached the first stretch goal!
Stretch Goals
We announced three stretch goals in the campaign. There is still time to support the project, and eventually bring those goals to reality!
€110,000 - AXIOM Beta Remote Control with Real Buttons and Knobs
AXIOM Beta Remote Control early concept rendering
We will develop an AXIOM Beta wired remote control device complete with LCD, buttons, knobs and dials (no live video monitoring). A wireless design might be possible, but needs more testing.
Estimated retail price of the Remote Control will be around €300 (gross estimate)
The image above shows an old concept design. The actual design will be updated for improved aesthetic and ergonomics.
€120,000 - Active Canon EF Mount
We will develop an AXIOM Beta EF lens mount module with electronic lens control. This will allow setting aperture and focus (with the Remote Control or from a smartphone/tablet) with most Canon EF lenses when attached to the AXIOM Beta.
Canon EF Mount retail price will be around €300 (gross estimate)
€130,000 - AXIOM Beta Active Battery Mount
AXIOM Beta with battery (concept image - work in progress)
We will develop a battery mount for NP-F970/F750/F550 batteries to power the AXIOM Beta. Includes power usage and capacity monitoring to estimate remaining charge and time remaining.
Why only €100,000 ? That isn't a lot for such an endeavor!
It is true that for a fully commercial project as big corporations would undertake it where everyone spending time on the project would receive a salary a budget of € 100,000 to build a camera would be considered a tiny insufficient amount. But we are not a big corporation :) - We have built the AXIOM Alpha prototype with a budget of less than € 10,000, now we have ten times that amount so it will open up a whole new world of possibilities. Also keep in mind that the entire crowd funding money is entitled to cover development expenses (beside the budget required to fulfill the perks like buttons, tshirts, etc.). As backers get their cameras at cost, we will ask the money for producing their AXIOM Betas once development is complete. That are roughly another € 600,000 that will be used for producing, assembling and testing the various parts that make the beta.
1 Commentaires
Como estudiante de cine y
Como estudiante de cine y usuario de sofware LINUX, me parece una labor extraordinaria la que hacen, es digna de admirarse, y solo cuento los dias para ver de primera vista, como es el modelo final de esta camara y como es trabajar con ela. Seguro estaran pensando en un futuro desarrollar un sofware de edicion para LINUX que vaya de la mano de esta fabulosa camara.
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