Soumis par Sebastian le mar, 09/01/2015 - 21:00
A new AXIOM Beta prototyping hardware generation is here and we want to provide insight into all the technical details. We show each PCB in the stack up and what changed from the early plans to where we are today, what additions are still pending and what each board is doing in full OSHPark purple technicolor.
We admit it. It is confusing: Why are we developing the AXIOM Beta and its supposed "successor" the AXIOM Gamma at the same time? Behold our thorough explanation in the video: The AXIOM Beta is now something different, something independent, it's better, it's more modular and flexible. It's not the predecessor of the AXIOM Gamma anymore, the AXIOM Beta is here to stay. In the video we explain the details of the strategy realignment and what it means for crowd funding backers.
We explain the 3 Phase Payment concept we came up with to transfer funds for the AXIOM Beta at-cost units only when the money is actually needed to purchase parts or order hardware. In a recent survey this concept was widely approved and the desire to purchase accessories in bulk was raised. We will investigate these possibilities but have to mention that we are currently entirely focused on the AXIOM Beta development and production and are also not an established gear re-seller.
14 Commentaires
Can we have a survey to see
Can we have a survey to see how many backers would like to see more of the jokes/humour present in the early development work continued through into the Gamma?
Thanks for the update, were the images captured on an early Beta? I guess not or you would have alluded to it......
Wonderful talk. At some point
Wonderful talk. At some point I was wondering: "where are the jokes?", but I guess they will return in future videos, at least in some of them :-)
Beyond awesome... Beyawesome.
Beyond awesome... Beyawesome.
Beyond exciting... Awexciting.
That's all I can say... Beyawesome, guys! :D
Well done, Very professional
Well done, Very professional & precise take this time around.
I miss the jokes ! =)
I miss the jokes ! =)
Thank you for this episode and the updates on the Beata/Gamma roadmap !
Maybe a few snipets of jokes
Maybe a few snipets of jokes in cross cutting of 15 frames max, showing Sebastian drinking coffee and headbanging can be allowed as long as they're approved by the MPAA.
Very informative video and excellent analysis of the process so far.
Got it. The background music
Got it. The background music is the joke. Well done ..One of the best until today. By the way: cool ad-ons at the technical side.
Does this mean, that the Beta
Does this mean, that the Beta will get internal recording sooner or later?
Otherwise it would not become a compact independent camera unit.
Keep it up guys. Love the
Keep it up guys. Love the improvements!
Have you thought about using
Have you thought about using one or both of the HS modules to be able to put a XQD memory card or even leverage the power board with a XQD slot. The latest revisions of these cards provides 350 MB/s or 2.8 Gb/s speed. This is roughly half the speed of the HS module on the main board. Sony makes a 128 GB XQD G series card with 350 MB/s.
The XQD interface uses PCI
The XQD interface uses PCI Express for data transfer which either requires a bridge or multi gigabit tranceivers.
The card itself is 38.5x29.8mm, where our plugin modules are 22.23x28.57mm.
Doable but not trivial and I doubt that the XQD specificiation is easily available.
Few thoughts. If you can have
Few thoughts. If you can have a USB 3 port (640MB/s), you can create a XQD connection off of that. The specification can be purchased via the CF org. Did not see it posted but here is the link.
It would be really nice to have a compact storage device on camera that gets 350MB/s+ write speed. Other option is CFast 2 spec but larger card for 440MB/s write speed.
Can you not use/create a HS module interface to do this?
Can you add a USB 3 board? another way to get access to the XQD capabilities.
Currently the only available
Currently the only available USB 3.0 bridges we know of (FTDI FT60x and Cypress EZ-USB FX3) can handle a maximum of 3.2Gbit/s over 32 parallel channels, so it would require an additional FPGA/CPLD to break down the 6/12 LVDS channels we have on the plugin architecture; again, doable but not trivial.
The other option would be to use an FPGA with multi gigabit tranceivers (MGTs) and do whatever protocol (NVMe, SATA, PCIe, USB3.x) but those all require the protocol stacks as HDL code, which typically is not freely available.
Very Interesting, and very
Very Interesting, and very clear speech through your talk for the team.
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