Soumis par getzi le mar, 09/29/2015 - 16:30
We applied for an innovation grant to advance a sideproject that we funded as stretch goal in the AXIOM Beta crowdfunding campaign. An open hardware and free software digital video capture PCIe card to stream high bandwidth 4K raw video from an AXIOM Beta to a connected PC - we call it AXIOM Bridge.
Update: Unfortunately we did not get the grant.
The AXIOM Ecosystem is a platform for establishing a global network of service providers, developers and creators of and around AXIOM devices. We explain the interface and showcase some of the categories and visual representations of the AXIOM ecosystem.
We went to IBC in Amsterdam and brought the latest AXIOM Beta hardware prototype - we did not have a booth this time so we roamed the showfloor - in this chapter we share some impressions and moments from the exciting event.
We reported about the CNC Mill being delivered and set up in our second team talk but we never showed it actually mill something. Time to correct that and look over Manfreds shoulders to see how parts for the Early AXIOM Beta prototype are produced.
2 Commentaires
Will the axiom bridge can handle multiple 2k input too?
This could be useful for video capture too (events, conference, music show,...).
Did you planed to use an fpga into the axiom bridge?
Did you already start working on it?
What software did you used to design the aluminum part and milling it?
thank you.
> Will the axiom bridge can
> Will the axiom bridge can handle multiple 2k input too?
likely yes
> Did you planed to use an fpga into the axiom bridge?
> Did you already start working on it?
We created concepts and did component selection/research but did not start development - as the scale also depends on the outcome of the juries decision about the grant.
> What software did you used to design the aluminum part and milling it?
The parts were created in Autodesk Fusion 360, also the CAM part and milled with Tormachs own PathPilot Linux software.
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