Google Summer of Code or short GSoC came to an end for this years season recently and here we want to showcase some of the cool projects students work on this year around the AXIOM camera.
Linux Kernel Driver for Lattice MachXO2
Linux Kernel Driver for Lattice MachXO2 Development
"My task was to develop a Linux Kernel Driver to program and debug the Lattice MachXO2 FPGAs present in the AXIOM Beta. These FPGAs are used as routing fabrics to save valuable Zynq GPIOs.
Previously, both the FPGAs were programmed with python scripts which didn’t allow easy update and development. The driver acts as a central entity to manage the FPGAs and allows programming them through an FPGA Manager Framework,
provides a JTAG interface to any application like OpenOCD to make SVF replays possible,
and essentially makes testing and debugging new code much easier. All source code and documentation can be found here." - Swaraj Hota
AXIOM Remote: Bootloader improvement and extensions
AXIOM Remote: Bootloader improvement and extensions
"The task was split up in the following sub-tasks:
- Flashing of the PIC16 firmware using the PIC32 bootloader
- Self-programming of PIC32: In simple terms it basically means to flash the firmware-with-UI on the PIC32 microcontroller
- Establishing the communication between the bootloader and the firmware
- Power saving modes for PIC32, LED dimming etc.
I created a python script which runs on the host PC and it can take care of the first two sub-tasks. The user can select the connected USB-UART port, HEX file to flash and the operation to perform.
The project proposal, code links and the phase-wise report are given here on the Project Wiki page." - Priya Pandya (MetalDent)
FPGA: Pixel Remapper
FPGA: Pixel Remapper
"I added various features to the image processing pipeline in the AXIOM Beta:
- Created a fake image data generator, a specific known pattern so that testing on hardware could be done without image sensor
- Added register file defaults for initializing various reset and block signals
- Added Y subsampling for the CMV12000 image sensor
- Added support for multiple AXI writers used for 64 channel mode of the image sensor
- Created patch to double the throughput from the image sensor (i.e working at 500MHZ clock speed)
- Created patch for RG/GB format with double throughput
- Created a patch for a wrapper of the pixel remapper which helps to easily switch modes in image sensor
All the source code and documentation can be found
here". - Preeti Menghwani
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