Technical Documentation now!

You can certainly imagine that creating an open source and open hardware cinema camera is a mammoth task and requires collaboration of many different professions and peoples backgrounds. For new users and developers getting to know the ins and outs of the projects hard and software is essential though. So we need your help! We are looking for technical writers to help us improve and extend our guides, tutorials, manuals and documentation. Please get in touch with us.

AXIOM Beta Developer Kit Color Calibration

Google Season of Docs

Google started a new program last year called "Season of Docs". Similar to Google Summer of Code it seeks to pair open source projects like us with new contributors, only this time not students seeking to code but technical writes seeking to expand their horizon or gain real world experience helping improve the technical documentation and visibility or an open source project. See the guidelines on the official website. We applied to become a part of Season of Docs already.

Google Season of Docs


Development updates are frequently posted inside the project's Telegram group as it's easier and faster than via newsletters or articles such as this. More detail about ongoing Power Board testing has been posted and meeting notes are typically posted there every Monday too. If you'd like to keep an eye on general developments as they happen and get involved with discussion or ask questions, then please feel free to join.

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Want to provide feedback or suggest improvements? Want to try your own approach and need help?

Get in touch via IRC or email.


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