Submitted by Sebastian on Mon, 12/23/2013 - 22:15
As we've previously stated, please keep in mind that our sensor calibration and tuning- alongside our image conversion logic development- have just begun and this image represents a camera in a very early developmental state. For example, the image has had no fixed pattern noise corrections or hot pixel compensation applied amongst other things that we just have not had the time to implement yet.
The good thing about FPN (fixed pattern noise) is that it's static, its always the same when you create multiple images. This is the result of not all pixels on the image sensors surface being 100% equal and the minor difference in light sensitivity can be noticed in captured images. So, the trick to fix this is rather simple: You measure the sensitivity difference of each pixel and reverse it, since its static you only need to conduct this measurement once when calibrating the camera. These measurements are what we are currently doing, however we are not yet finished and so the above image still has FPN. More details on FPN can be read: here
Looking better everyday.
Looking better everyday. Thanks for the "Apertus Holiday Special" :)
Looks good, even with the FPN
Looks good, even with the FPN!
Thanks and happy holidays!
Wow......keep up the great
Wow......keep up the great work! Merry Christmas
The DNG does not load in
The DNG does not load in Adobe SpeedGrade CC - any clues?
Any error message?
Any error message?
It worked fine in Lightroom, Photoshop, etc.
For me it worked after using
For me it worked after using the Adobe DNG Converter on it.
Looks good for what it is.
Looks good for what it is. Took Red years to get this much color on prod cameras.
Well done!
Well done!
Thank you.
I wish you good luck and all the best
How can I get it in Resolve?
How can I get it in Resolve?
I can't wait to buy one!
I can't wait to buy one!
ExifTool says about that file
ExifTool says about that file:
Warning: Bad IFD1 directory
Very observant!
Very observant!
Its a software problem in our DNG converter which we fixed already in the meantime.
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