We have now resolved the issues we were facing with HDMI video recorders. It turns out that monitors are capable of synchronising to whatever frequency you are supplying them with, making them very tolerant and usable straight out of the box - even with non standard signals. Recorders on the other hand are a lot less flexible when it comes to the frequency of the supplied input signals. It appears that they will stubbornly refuse to do anything unless the supplied input frequency is perfect. Unfortunately, the documentation we've found for this is often in contradiction - some sources define this frequency as standard, whilst others will list a different specification. As a result of this confusion, we've ended up cycling through multiple frequencies, adding a few Hz at a time until an image appeared on the HDMI recording device.
Please note that this footage contains the first basically unprocessed raw (not in original bayer pattern though) image samples ever recorded with the Axiom Alpha prototype. Whilst this is a major milestone, it represents only our first step through the door and into the beginning of the actual tweaking. Also keep in mind that this is TEST footage not captured with the intent to showcase the capabilities of the camera but rather to proof that it is working at all. While we think you can already see some potential in the image quality the video is simply NOT meant to be beautiful yet. As it stands, the video signal output from the Axiom Alpha still carries some flaws. Let's take a look at them in detail:
Due to the limitations of the HDMI encoder chip implemented on the Zedboard, we are currently outputting a rather exotic colour mode: RGB 2:4:2. This has resulted in 1 pixel colour shifts in some situations, visible as red/blue tints around vertical lines. We are currently investigating alternative modes that eliminate this problem. Please also keep in mind that Youtube re-compresses every video that is uploaded, so even when viewing at 1080p, you will still see noticeable compression artifacts irrespective of how crisp the original video upload might be. Since we are still in the process of tweaking and fine-tuning everything, we don't mind these compression artifacts for now. You can rest assured that as soon as we have a greater selection of artistic footage ready to showcase, we will provide access to high quality online video playback / download of these clips.