This year you can open one present early: First 4K RAW DNG image from our Axiom Alpha prototype: As we've previously stated, please keep in mind that our sensor calibration and tuning- alongside our image conversion logic development- have just begun and this image represents a camera in a very early developmental state. For example, the image has had no fixed pattern noise corrections or hot pixel compensation applied amongst other things that we just have not had the time to implement yet...
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The second Axiom Alpha prototype unit, now containing a full grade image sensor, is complete and ready for further calibration testing. Please remember that this prototype- housed in a custom enclosure made from laser cut acrylic glass and a wooden base to provide the assembly with greater strength around the tripod mounting plate- is a proof of concept, designed to test the electronics and allow us to capture images in the same manner as with a real camera, under proper lighting conditions...
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This is a combined news update regarding both our hardware and software development progress. As you can see, our work with Axiom Alpha prototype is coming along quite nicely. We’re sure you’ll all be happy to hear that raw still image capture has been working well on our testing board for quite some time now. However as we are still finishing the prototype enclosure, we have not yet carried out many other calibrations and tests - especially considering that the image sensor we’ve installed in...
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On the Road to Pixeltown After a seriously busy month spent programming VHDL for the FPGA (we had a backlash when we discovered a bug in the provided memory AXI slave interfaces, which required a workaround), creating Linux drivers and scripts, testing and establishing workflows, our Zedboard is now fully communicating with the CMV12000 image sensor . We knew this wasn’t going to be a walk in the park, and to explain how complicated it is getting data from the sensor (which probably isn't that...
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After receiving our PCBs for the prototype , we have now started assembling them. Doing so has required a series of complex procedures and multiple runs of hand soldering tiny components or reflow soldering on a hot plate. This has been immediately followed with connectivity testing and interface communication tests. At present, all components have been properly installed and testing/verifying electrical connectivity has indicated that everything is in good working order. On the software side...
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It's about time Today is a major milestone on our path to having a working Axiom Alpha prototype ! After months of designing, routing, checking, double-checking and then revising our designs, we have now placed an order for the final version of the printed circuit boards (PCBs) we will be implementing in our prototype. The Image Sensor Front End (SFE) PCB Top Side. PCB Bottom Side. This 4 layer PCB will act as the bridge between our image sensor: the CMV12000 (providing a native resolution of...
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apertus° is opening up all the internal discussion about the Axiom Alpha prototype to the public and is currently seeking additional hardware developers. Read on to learn why and how. Release Early - or even before that On his blog, Philip Bloom recently wrote : “Please stop bringing out new cameras and stop announcing them. Just go back into your top secret bunkers and concentrate on refining and perfecting your current ones and ideas for your future ones. [...] I am a big fan of announcing...
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