Google Summer of Code or short GSoC came to an end for this years season recently and here we want to showcase some of the cool projects students worked on this year around the AXIOM project. Remote Test System for AXIOM Remote Example python script to run automated AXIOM Remote tests "The project I worked on over this summer, was to develop a test system that would allow remote and automated testing of the AXIOM Remote for development purposes. This mainly involved two parts: Developing...
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*/ This is part 1 of our first home-office edition AXIOM Team Talk (Season 16). For the previous episodes please see AXIOM Team Talk archive . First Industrial Hardware Production Run As you have probably seen in previous AXIOM Team Talk episodes we are located in the Factory Hub Vienna , an industrial co-working space in the south of Vienna, featuring extensive electronics manufacturing infrastructure. After building all AXIOM Beta Developer Kits manually by hand so far which really does not...
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Google Summer of Code or short GSoC came to an end for this years season recently and here we want to showcase some of the cool projects students work on this year around the AXIOM camera. Linux Kernel Driver for Lattice MachXO2 Linux Kernel Driver for Lattice MachXO2 Development "My task was to develop a Linux Kernel Driver to program and debug the Lattice MachXO2 FPGAs present in the AXIOM Beta. These FPGAs are used as routing fabrics to save valuable Zynq GPIOs. Previously, both the FPGAs...
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*/ This is part four of a recently shot round of AXIOM Team Talks. For the previous episodes please see AXIOM Team Talk archive . Optical Filters: Ultraviolet/Infrared Cut Off in the AXIOM Beta We humans see colours because of light’s having different wavelengths. The part of the electromagnetic spectrum that’s visible to the human eye measures from around 400 nanometers (nm) to around 700 nm with what non-colourblind people perceive as colours ranging from blue, running through the various...
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Technical Documentation now! You can certainly imagine that creating an open source and open hardware cinema camera is a mammoth task and requires collaboration of many different professions and peoples backgrounds. For new users and developers getting to know the ins and outs of the projects hard and software is essential though. So we need your help! We are looking for technical writers to help us improve and extend our guides, tutorials, manuals and documentation . Please get in touch with...
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4 years 11 months ago by
*/ This is part three of a recently shot round of AXIOM Team Talks. For the previous episodes please see the apertus° Wiki . Packaging Hard Case. Currently all AXIOM Beta Developer Kits ship in cardboard boxes filled with bubble wrap and plastic bags. This solution is far from ideal as the packaging cannot be reused and all the packaging material becomes trash when the camera has been received. As a future shipment option, we consider a hard-case that's functional, practical and can last a long...
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